Last Day of Class

It goes without saying that my students bring me a fountain of joy. Today was my last day of classes in Mozambique and I am struck by how quickly these two years of teaching have slipped past me. When I think on my first day of class and how nervous I was, how little I spoke Portuguese, and how I didn’t know what the content was that I was supposed to teach to my students, I am amazed that I was even allowed to teach. My students have taught me more than patience and resilience. They have taught me to enjoy my little successes and to roll with the flow.

My students have a wide variety of ages and ability levels and they have come unbelievably far in the year that I’ve worked with them. It’s a unique experience to live on the same campus as they do because we have moments outside of class together. I have enjoyed all the jokes, walks, dull moments, dances, and soccer games shared with them; it has been fun being one of the “campus moms” to give counsel and support to the students who want it.

Peace Corps wouldn’t have been the same without them.

Our students surprised me and Leslie today during my time for math with a beautiful song that our student Mara created for us. It made us both cry it was so sweet! The translation is in the description of the video in the link.

One comment

  1. Wow…. This is incredibly moving…. so so beautiful. You have impacted your students, and they you. Beautiful

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